Investigation Stage
Though there may be little for you to do at this time, you should not ignore your ability to help at this stage. Keep a folder and collect every bill, letter, anything you get that concerns your case. When several things have been gathered, take them to your lawyers office and turn them, or at least copies of them over to him. He can sort out what is important and preserve them to use at trial or negotiations in your case. | If you have completed treatment, you may be anxious to settle your case, but you need to understand that you lawyer needs to get copies of the medical records, bills, reports, and sometimes witness statements or governmental records to ascertain a value on your case. This process usually takes about one to two months to get those records and bills. It sometimes takes longer because those having your records may not respond promptly. You can help at this stage by doing two things. First, at the moment your doctor has released you, call your lawyer and let him know. He can then order your bills and records promptly. Second, make sure he has been informed of all the doctors you have. If you have kept a folder and turned that over to the lawyer, this should be no problem. It is possible that your treatment could carry on so long that a suit will have to be filed before the investigation is complete. The statute of limitations will dictate the latest time to file suit. If you will require surgery, then it is likely that you will have that surgery well over a year after the wreck. In which case, a suit will probably be filed before your treatment is done. |
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Stages of a Case: Injury | Treatment | Investigation | Demand-Negotiations | Lawsuit/Litigation | Mediation | Trial-Appeal